Welcome to Breath Meditation Movement

“Qigong is the wind beneath your wings.  Let Arlene show you how to fly.”  JE

Arlene Wilkinson Qigong  & Arlene’s Garden Organics invite you to breathe deeply as you begin your journey to wellness one step/one breath at a time… Arlene brings her passion and over 35 years clinical experience delving into the healing energetics of bodywork, movement, breath and meditation to her Therapeutic Qigong programs. 
Arlene Wilkinson Qigong provides an opportunity  for both individual and group experiences through her therapeutic qigong classes, coaching, training and treatments. Discover the ease of working with Arlene virtually, via Zoom and Teachable platforms (nightingalesmedicalqigong.teachable.com).   Arlene’s Garden Organics offer fresh, organic, handmade wellness teas and aroma spa products through the on-line store. 
In-person wellness treatments with Arlene Wilkinson, RMT, MMQ (China) include Massage Therapy, Medical Qigong Therapy, Aroma Spa Therapy, Acupressure Therapy and Eastern Wellness Therapy, which are exclusively available at Serene Physique, Saint John,NB. Arlene’s treatments are designed to assist in guiding you to your sense of self, to deep relaxation, and to embrace life re-energized!  

Arlene Wilkinson Qigong offers more than a healing modality. The therapeutic power of touch, the body-mind connection and the importance of embracing self care strategies, are pivotal to enhanced wellness.  Arlene’s approach, through her Therapeutic Qigong program, assists you in uncovering the blocks, getting to the root of the imbalance, and guiding you back to harmony. Recharging your energy helps you to flow with life rather than swim against the current of day-to-day stress. Live well. Be well.

Arlene Wilkinson Qigong provides classes, coaching, workshops, training and treatments to promote a balanced lifestyle!

Experience Arlene’s Garden Organics aroma spa products & organic teas, inspired by nature!

Explore Arlene’s Wellness Workshops and Professional Training programs!

Book a Consultation with Arlene to create a wellness prescription just for you!
